Saturday, May 26, 2007

The great Chilean fruit Smuggler.....CAUGHT

My secret is out. After several years of travelling, with various items of fruit, on my person, the Chilean customs officials finally caught me out.

In my bag was 2 Bolivian bananas and 1 Bolivian mandarin. These are a no-no, if you try to get into Chile. My bag went through the X-ray machine and the game was up. I was pulled aside, the fruit was weighed, and a customs report was filled out, which I had to sign.

What can I say.....caught red handed, and I promised, to the customs officials, never to try and bring fruit into Chile again - my fruit smuggling days are over.

NOTE : It was actually Debo that bought the fruit.....I was just the fruit trafficer

We´ve never laughed so much in our life....and, after the contraband was seized, I was free to go

1 comment:

DoLo said...

Ah, the added realism of a black trackie top, makes you look like an Eastern European gangster